All these days, I have been writing poems and my complex thoughts. Now I have a sudden realization that I should write down whatever that is going through my mind. I decided to give it an attempt and to see what comes up……

At present, the situation around me is not so encouraging. Both, my personal as well as professional life is at a stand still. I want something new….. new means a new environment… a change from the routine….. i know that everybody experiences such things through out their life’s…. but when it comes to self, its quite disturbing….. we tend to lose interest in things around us…..

My senior manager for the last 3.5 years is being shifted to a different department….. I thoroughly understand the undercurrents…. but I can do nothing but accept whatever is happening….a feeling of helplessness. He was a man with deep compassion for the fellow beings, be it his colleague, friend or anybody around. A committed man… married both to his organization and his job…. he was instrumental in retaining many employees in the company….. and the price that he had to pay for his commitment, which I believe, is truly dissentient and objectionable. And I want to say this to all you deaf ears………. “what you did now is fallacious and shows extreme callowness!!!!!!!!!!